Updated the 2nd of January, 2016.
It's all getting interesting, now.
The next actual, live, sound-making event is at the request of Omahara.
It will be to support the return of Omahara, after some quiet time,
in the acoustically reverberant, sandstone, Queen Victoria Powder Magazine
located in the domain near the entrance to the Botanical Gardens in Hobart.
It's best to be there at 7pm on the 9th of January, as Omahara is the headline.
If you are new to this site, you may well want to take in a large branch of BlackPaul-dom, that exists in
the very special world of The Surgical Sideshow.
I double dare you.
If you haven't been keeping up, there was a real, live, walk-in-and-grab-a-glass, exhibition of my drawings.
In case you haven't been combing this site, a faithful reconstruction of the space lives here.
Contact can be made through paul@blackpaul.com
Apart from stopping me in the street, this is how to get the uncompressed versions of the
albums with their accompanying booklets of
specifically designed artwork in their intended physical form.
If you have first release (pre-2008) versions and want to update them with stronger, louder, hiss-free versions,
contact me. I know most of you, anyway. It's the least I can do to improve your listening experience.
If you are going to use anything you find here, credit me, huh?
Sending me a copy or some sort of documentation of our combined work (approved or not) would thrill me.